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How to Tell if Teething Has Started in My Baby

A smiling baby in blue clothing lies in a striped fabric seat, facing the camera with an open-mouthed, joyful expression.

How to Tell if Teething Has Started in My Baby

It will not take long to figure out when your baby begins to teeth. You will learn their teeth are coming in because of several telltale symptoms. Take things in stride—the following information reviews what to expect.

Expect Drooling

When teeth come in, a baby will produce more saliva and will tend to drool – a lot. Waterworks begin when a baby is about two months to two months old, maybe a little sooner. The drooling may go on until the teeth all come in. Place a bib on your baby to keep him or her more comfortable, as drooling can lead to damp or soggy clothes. Also, wipe his or her chin during the day to prevent problems with skin chapping.

Developing A Rash

Because of the drooling, the skin can become chafed, irritated, and develop a rash, known as a teething rash. Rashes develop around the mouth, chest, neck, or chin. Again, patting away the drool will reduce this type of irritation. Create a moisture barrier by applying a moisturizer, such as an unscented skin cream. A nursing cream can also be used to protect the tender skin of an infant.

Coughing, Biting, Crying, And Whining

When teeth emerge for the first time, they can hurt, and your baby will let you know about their discomfort by crying or whining. Also, the added pit in their mouth can cause them to gag or cough. However, do not worry. Coughing or getting a gag reflex is natural when a baby is teething. Babies will also bite or gnaw things when they are teething. They may bite their hands or rattle. While some babies do not cry or whine when teething, others put up quite a fuss. Some may refuse to eat if they are experiencing sore gums.

We can help you cope with your baby’s teething. Just give us a call with your questions. If you have not done so already, schedule a time for your child’s first pediatric dental exam.